Alive Creation

At Alive Creations’ Media Content Development unit, we take a holistic view of your needs, strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats in consonance to time and season (current happenings) as well as social-cultural nuisances and then develop a far fetching content that appeals  and deliver the needed messages to all.

Content is what you give your followers in return for their support and interest. You need the right pieces, in the right place, at the right time. In other words, you need a strategy to guide your success.

We are here to help be it in:

  • Publicity management
  • Damage control
  • Sales promotions and sustenance
  • Promotion of ideas and believe
  • Education and enlightenment
  • Health and safety Promotions
  • Behavioural change campaigns
  • Editing and Proof-reading

Through the following media:

  • Print Media
  • Audio/Radio media
  • TV Broadcast media
  • Handbills & Posters
  • Internet Media
  • Social web-Media
  • Out-door Display Media
  • Mobile Media etc.