Alive Creation

At Alive Creations Training and Skills Development Services, we take training as capacity building distinct from teaching and education. We train to transform participants from the fair level of performance in their jobs to speedy and highest obtainable productivity level at a low cost

  • Organisations Retreats
  • Management Retreats/Seminar/Workshops
  • Private and public sector staff training

We have a team of result-oriented certified and government-accredited trainers and are in partnership with other management training professionals and bodies.

We design and deliver tailor-made certification pieces of training to corporate bodies and develop bespoke training modules in the following areas:


  • Leadership Development
  • Human Capital Management
  • Business Strategy & Management
  • Selling Skills & Sales Management
  • Health and Safety Management
  • Customer Service
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Personal Skills Development
  • Production & Quality Management
  • Administrative Management Skills

Security Management
(Physical & Virtual)

We develop customised/implant security courses and programmes, package same and deliver to our clients. We also on a call-up basis take up security awareness training for corporate organisations and groups and organise security management seminars and workshops.  All our training participants receive certifications on successful completion of programmes

Our industry-based/specialised training programme are on the following:

  • Hospitality Security
  • Event Security (Stewarding and Customer Safety)
  • Close Protection and Escort Service Security
  • Journey Management Security
  • Dog Handling Security
  • Security and Excellent Customer Service
  • Manufacturing Environment Security (Production and Warehousing)
  • Oil and Gas Security
  • Marine and Ports Management Security
  • Retail outlet Security
  • Aviation Security
  • Mask and Installation Activities Security
  • Worship Centers Security
  • Defensive Driving and Close Protection
  • Emotional Management and Work Conflict Management
  • Investigation and forensic Examinations